Larisa Aragòn Castro
Patient Advocate, Ambassador
Larisa, 47 Jahre
Sprachen: English, Deutsch, Spanisch
Diagnose Duktales Carcinoma in situ (DCIS) mit 45 Jahren
Mutter von zwei Kindern, leidenschaftliche Balletttänzerin und begeisterte Yoga-Praktizierende
Larisa’s story
In 2018, an innocent regular visit to the doctor turned out to be the beginning of a journey. Unexpectedly the doctor found a lump in my breast. In the beginning, it wasn't clear what it was, but pretty soon I received the diagnosis of breast cancer.
„About the information part: it is very difficult to get to the trustful information.“
It was quite difficult for me to find reliable and trustworthy information: «l think that the information part was not very well, it is very difficult to navigate and get to the trustful sources of information». The treatment, however, went very well, I received three surgeries and could escape the processes of going through chemotherapy treatment. A very supportive role in my story was the «breast care nurse», she was like a catalyst between the patient and the doctors (e.g. taking notes in important meetings). This made my journey a lot easier. Another great help was this patient community EUROPA DONNA Schweiz, this empowered me to talk to more experienced patients and share my story.
In general, I believe that women should be more aware of the high probability (1/8) to get breast cancer in Switzerland. The awareness of this topic needs to be reinforced.